Frequently Asked Questions - TRANSACT
Transact 2025

Frequently asked questions

What are the show floor/exhibit hall hours?

Wednesday, April 2
4:00pm – 6:00pm

Thursday, April 3
8:30am – 5:30pm

Friday, April 4
8:30am – 12:00pm

Tuesday, April 1
12:00pm – 5:00pm

Wednesday, April 2
8:00am – 6:30pm

Thursday, April 3
8:00am – 6:30pm

Friday, April 4
8:00am – 12:00pm

Satellite registration in front of Islander Ballroom is open for committee members from 8:00am – 4:30pm on April 2.

Wednesday, April 2

8:00am – 7:00pm (show floor opens at 4:00pm)

Thursday, April 3
8:00am – 6:30pm

Friday, April 4
8:00am – 8:00pm (show floor closes at 12:00pm)

During event days, exhibitors will be allowed early access starting at 8:00am and one hour after the exhibit hall closes. Exhibitors who require access before or after the published hours should contact Spargo show management.

All exhibitors must be wearing an exhibitor ribbon on their name badge to access the show floor before or after published exhibit hall hours.

Monday, March 31
1:00pm – 5:00pm

Tuesday, April 1
8:00am – 5:00pm

Wednesday, April 2
8:00am – 12:00pm

ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE SET BY 12:00PM ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2025. After this time, show management reserves the right to use any empty space in a way that will complement the overall appearance of the exhibition. If you foresee any difficulty in meeting this deadline, you must request a variance. Please contact Helen Choi at by 5:00pm EST on Thursday, March 27.

Friday, April 4
12:00pm – 8:00pm

Note: With respect and safety to fellow exhibitors, no display may be dismantled, or packing started before 12:00pm on Friday, April 4. Please make travel plans accordingly. 

Mandalay Bay Convention Center is attached to the Mandalay Bay Resort.


From Front Desk
Walk past guest elevators to the casino floor and follow pathway on left-hand side. Continue straight on cobblestone walkway and proceed along pathway that oversees the beach. Continue past Border Grill and the Wedding Chapel to reach the entrance of the Convention Center.

From Parking Garage
Enter the doorways from the garage area and proceed on cobblestone walkway. Follow pathway as it veers to the right. Continue straight on cobblestone walkway and proceed along pathway that oversees the beach. Continue past Border Grill and the Wedding Chapel to reach the entrance of the Convention Center.

More information can be found here.

Yes, on-site registration is available. You must register by April 1, 2025, to receive the standard registration rate. On-site registration rates apply starting April 2, 2025.

Member Rate: $1,255
Non-Member Rate: $1,780

Member Rate: $1,895
Non-Member Rate: $2,495

No. There is only one ticket offering for TRANSACT and day passes are not available.

If you are interested in registering for TRANSACT please click here.

No. There is only one ticket offering for TRANSACT and additional ticketed events such as the Golf Tournament and Visa Celebration & ETA Star Awards can be added to the registration.

All of our exciting keynote speakers and many other educational programs are included, unless otherwise noted as a ticketed event. If you are interested in registering for TRANSACT, please click here.

All registered attendees can attend the All-Attendee Party on April 3, 6pm, at the Swingers Crazy Golf.

You must be wearing your badge to enter the event.


6:30am: Golf Shuttle Departs, Mandalay Bay Beach Level

7:15am: Breakfast, Reflection Bay Golf Club 

8:00am: Shotgun Start, Reflection Bay Golf Club

1:00pm: Bus Departure from Reflection Bay Golf Club to Mandalay Bay

ETA Star Awards & Visa Celebration is a ticketed event. You would have had to add this event to your registration, and this would be part of your registration confirmation. The deadline to register for the event is April 2.

It is also indicated on your badge with “V.”

This event is no longer a seated dinner and tables and tables are no longer available for purchase.

Individual tickets can be purchased at the time of registration.

All attendees must be registered for TRANSACT. If you are interested in registering, please click here.

The recommended attire is business or business casual.

No, TRANSACT is an in-person, live event.

Sessions will not be recorded.

Ribbons will be available in ETA Central in the Exhibit Hall.  Speaker and press ribbons will be available in registration.

All sponsors and exhibitors have complimentary access to lead retrieval via use of the mobile app.

For assistance write to, or visit the Mobile App & Networking Lounge on the Exhibit Hall Floor to meet with a mobile app representative.

Login to Grip and the Mobile App here.

Use the email you registered with and your Reg ID (printed on your badge) for the password.

Use the email you registered with and the password you created when claiming your account. If you do not remember your password, click, “Email me a password reset link” to reset your password.

Please make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of the mobile app to ensure the best user experience!

If you experience trouble before the show, please write to At the show, please visit our dedicated on-site support in the Mobile App & Networking Lounge in the Exhibit Hall.

Before the show, please write to On-site: Please visit the Mobile App & Networking Lounge in the Exhibit Hall to meet with a mobile app representative at the show.

We ask payments professionals attending TRANSACT to direct your support to the companies who officially exhibit, or sponsor TRANSACT. If a payments company comes to Atlanta the week of TRANSACT, they’re here because your nonprofit trade association, ETA, has invested in making TRANSACT a worthwhile destination for members of the industry.

“Suitcasing” and “Outboarding” are unethical business practices where industry non-exhibitors attempt to gain access to trade show attendees. Suitcasing refers to those non-exhibiting companies or persons who go to shows as an attendee but “work the aisles” to solicit business in the aisles or the lobby area. Outboarding refers to non-exhibiting companies that set-up exhibits at off-site locations (hotel hospitality suites or restaurants) at TRANSACT during set-up days or show days and encourage show attendees to leave the show floor and spend time with them.

This hurts the show and undercuts the huge investment of time, money, personnel and overall support that companies make in TRANSACT. Without their participation, TRANSACT would not be the industry hub that it is. TRANSACT exhibiting companies are encouraged to protect their investment by reporting any outboarding they witness to ETA.

ETA is a nonprofit organization. The funds from TRANSACT help us advocate on behalf our members, educate the industry, and produce world-class events.

As a reminder, Mandalay Bay has a policy to only allow TRANSACT exhibitors or sponsors to book a hotel suite or meeting room during TRANSACT. Those found violating this policy will be subject to a severe penalty. In addition, ETA monitors the housing bookings at Mandalay Bay, and if any companies go around this policy, and book outside of the TRANSACT housing block, Mandalay Bay can revoke event privileges.

Yes, media will be in attendance. If you are interested in contacting the media, please write to Chela Piacentini at and he can assist you.

All registrants will be provided with a name badge for use during the event. For security purposes, you will be required to wear your name badge at all times in ETA’s meeting space. Individuals without a visible name badge will not be permitted into the meeting’s areas.

Further, attendees may not have some other person participate in their place at any conference-related activity. Such other individuals will be required to register on their own behalf to participate.

Please note that there will be a $50 reprint badge charge for any missing badges needing replacement.

By registering, you agree not to share, transfer, sell or trade your badge. If you violate this policy, ETA may cancel your attendance and retain any payments.

The cancellation deadline for the event, including special events, is March 2, 2025. Refunds will be subject to a $100 processing fee plus $50 for each special event. No refunds will be issued after the cancellation deadline. No-shows are non-refundable. Cancellations must be made in writing to

For questions regarding registration, please contact registration customer service by email at or phone at 703.978.7083.

All hotel blocks are either closed or sold out. Visit the hotel portal here to find nearby hotels with availability.

Membership is dependent on many factors. You may apply here or write to John Losh, who can assist you further.

You earn one CE credit for 50 minutes of content. To calculate credits at TRANSACT, total the number of minutes of the sessions that you attended in their entirety and divide by 50. If the sessions attended total 250 minutes, you would earn five (5) CE credits.

The complete ETA CPP guide is available here. You may record your CE Credits using this link.

Upon login, go to Account > Education Credits. Please write to Karen Allen, if you need further assistance.

March 16-18, 2026
Georgia World Congress Center | Atlanta, GA